
Ancient Origins
By Mark Timon, M.S. Clinical Nutrition
It was 1971. I had a can of vacuum-packed Spanish peanuts from General Foods in the tiny kitchen of my one-bedroom apartment in Yonkers, NY. I also had an Osterizer blender; one that was strong enough for the job at hand: to grind those peanuts into smooth peanut butter.
I was scheduled to interview for a new job as the first manager of the new Mother Nature’s Nutrition Center of Scarsdale, NY. I was thrilled by the prospect and wanted to make a good impression. What better way to do that than by arriving bearing a gift of the most scrumptious peanut butter ever made?
The peanut butter was indeed a hit at the meeting that evening. My soon-to-be boss was surprised by the peanut butter and reacted by taking me into the kitchen where we proceeded to talk and munch on Kavli crisp whole-grain crackers and Spanish peanut butter with a little raspberry jam.
Insert a 50-year career in the natural products industry between that meeting and today, and we finally get to the point where a home recipe for peanut butter is going national … after we are done going local. Really, truly, honestly, Spanish peanuts make the best peanut butter!
It’s a new ‘don’ in Peanut butter
The Don Quixote peanut butter company opened its doors in March of 2022 in Walpole, New Hampshire. Although I am indeed a senior citizen, the company is nowhere near as old as Don Quixote himself. But we believe he feels honored to have his name attached to our certified scrumptious products.
I cannot shake off my deep roots in health and nutrition, which means every Don Quixote product will be both flavorful and nutritious. And, of course, every one of our nut butters are certified scrumptious by Don Quixote’s squire, Sancho Panza!